My Future Travels

Friday, May 10, 2019

You are NOT Alone

I was told that one of the biggest problems that kids face in school these days is bullying. However, I think that it's been a problem since the very first school opened it's doors to the caveman children.
I remember 40 years ago being teased for what I looked like (I was a girl that looked very much like a boy), and I was teased for what I wore (my parents were poor so my clothes all came from the thrift store or hand me downs). It made me feel ugly. I remember going home, crying to my mom and feeling alone because no one else was being teased like me. It's a horrible feeling when those mean words come out.
I know that you might feel like you are insecure, or alone, or you might feel that someone is being mean to you…but that's the thing, you are not alone!
Raise your hand if you have been bullied or you know someone who has been bullied. Look around you at the hands in the air, you are not alone. Each and every one of you have a voice.  (You can put your hands down).
How can you stop the fighting and bring more respect into your school? Be kind, help one another on this journey to becoming a grown up. If you see someone alone, go sit with them. If you hear someone say mean things, go stand next to the kid they are being mean to so that kid knows they aren't alone. Stick-up for each other, talk to your teachers, and talk to your parents about it.
Treat everyone like you want to be treated, and the world will be a better place.

And you will realize that “You are NOT Alone” .

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